An Author's Thoughts
Paula Beaty

Paula Beaty

Baytown, Tx

I'm married with 2 wonderful children. My house seems to have become a zoo overnight, filling up with dogs and ferrets and who knows what else. I'm always on the go do this or that. After all, being a wife and mother is a full-time job. When do I get the chance to write you ask? Well I do my best to squeeze writing into my very hectic life. It's not easy sometimes but I manage to get it done. Somehow.


Wolfe Investigations, Inc
Progress: 55%
(27374 - 50000)

Wolfe Investigations, Inc 2
Progress: 9%
(4359 - 50000)

School of Hard Knocks
Progress: 22%
(13410 - 60000)

Charisma Lost
Progress: 8%
(4947 - 60000)


There are no contests at this time.


Cover art (c) Kat Richards 2005
Available at
New Concepts Publishing
in e-book
in paperback


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Sunday, April 29, 2007

MIA...but I think I'm back

Man, I can't believe it has been 3 months since I last blogged. So much has been going on in "real" life, that my secret obsession has fallen to the wayside. My 12 year-old son pitched a no-hitter a couple games ago. Our only win this season. I have been searching high an dlow for a job that I could do from home. I don't know the whole hustle and bustle is beginning to wear on me. I got a different job, working for any attorney and I like the job and the people I work with just fine, I just...I don't know I yearn to stay at home and relax for a while. To have the whole day to myself to write and craft something. It just seems like my body can't find the energy to get into writing after a long day of doing computer work at my "real" job. And books don't write themselves. I have squeezed in some reading on the craft lately. Even spent 7 whole hours today doing nothing but lying on my couch reading. I felt kind of guilty cause I knew there were surely more important things to be doing today, but couldn't muster up the ability to care. I cleaned my house for the most part yesterday and anything else could wait until later.

Probably could have spent that time writing but my son and his friend had the computers tied up with playing on the internet and who was I to shove them off. I am setting myself a goal. Seems I never get anything truly done unless I make a list or set a goal, so here it is. My goals for the rest of 2007.

1. Finish writing School of Hard Knocks. (It's been far too long since I touched that story)
2. Create character profiles, complete with pictures for all characters of Wolfe Investigations Series books. (Have fallen in love with my characters and their storylines again, but I want to make sure they are well rounded characters)
3. Submit School of Hard Knocks and hopefully a completed Wolfe Investigations 1: Statue of Osirius to both critique partners. (Jenna and Crystal, I knowits been a while since you guys got anything from me)
4. Last but not least, See if Night Stalker can be reworked and maybe added to, then submit to a new publisher after contract with New Concepts runs out this year. (need some promotional items and a few contests to go with this). (Still love this story!!)

I'll be a writer yet!

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